*Interview with Deborah Palumbo 10-14-2012
Me: I’m so excited to
have this opportunity to interview you! You’re an amazing writer and someone I
consider as a friend, thank you for taking time out of your day to do this!
Deborah: First let me say that I am THRILLED to be here with
you and your followers, Shalyn and appreciate your support and kindness. I'm
excited cos you know you're one of my favorite bloggers of all time! Okay, I'm
ready to rock!
Me: Awww, thank you!
That means a lot. Alright, let’s do this!!!
Deborah: You know what? I actually remember when I began
writing The Undeparted. It was back in 2007; I'm not sure exactly how I came up
with the idea, sorry to say, but I remember being really excited, very psyched
to write it because my prior writing was mainly in the Historical genre and
mystery. I was propped up in bed and the story just flowed out of me. I knew
there would be a sequel! I'm not sure I realized there would be 4 books. I'm
finishing the 3rd one now and the 4th has already been conceived!
Me: Exciting! I love The Undeparted and can’t wait to read
the rest of the series. Do you find it
hard to go back and forth from writing different genres?
Deborah: I don't find it hard at all and in fact, I think I
must be a multiple personality LOL, cos it does take a certain frame of mind to
write in each of the genres I write in: Paranormal, Mystery, Historical. Having
said that tho, all of my stories are laced with mystery, so in that regard,
they aren't too dissimilar. When the Temperature Rises, my 1948 crime noir with
a vintage detective, was probably the most unusual one I've written, and I
shouldn't say this, but I love Detective Humphrey McAllister! So much in fact,
book 2 is coming out asap!
Me: You go girl! Writing in so many different genres opens up
your fan base a lot. I imagine it can
get a little difficult at times. You’re doing a great job though! What made you decide to name the book The Undeparted?
Deborah: I recall thinking and pondering on the
name...sometimes names come instantly to me, even before the story is
completely conceived. This one came quick. I wanted something supernatural,
hopefully enticing, unusual, and since I was dealing with souls that wouldn't
depart, I thought of The Undeparted.
Me: The title fits very well and in my opinion, the cover is
eye catching as well. J When you need to
clear your head and take a break from writing, what do you enjoy doing?
Deborah: Thinking about what I'm going to write next!! LOL. Actually I live a very quiet life, enjoy home
and hearth. I love 70's music, old comedy TV shows like I love Lucy, The Dick
Van Dyke Show. Love spending time in my screened in gazebo with nature. Please
don't yawn!
Me: Sounds very
relaxing! Next question, what inspires you?
Deborah: Well, I will tell you that in regard to writing
novels, something as simple as ONE WORD or one sentence actually has inspired a
complete book! This happens all the time actually, and even in the midst of a
book, a word will inspire a page or a chapter. In fact, my 4th book in The
Undeparted series was inspired that way. I can't tell you more on that one
because I am getting ready to unleash the 3rd one in the series, called The
Banished One!! Ooh, I'm excited!
Me: Wow, that’s awesome. Inspiration is all around us! I’m excited for it as well!
Deborah: Thank you so much for these awesome questions! I
hope I've answered them satisfactorily and given everyone a glimpse into who I
am and into my books. I just think you're awesome!
Me: Your welcome and thank you! I appreciate you doing this
and so glad we got to work together again. This has been so much fun, keep in
*Pick up your copy of The Undeparted here: http://www.amazon.com/The-Undeparted-ebook/dp/B007D9U092/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1350172064&sr=8-1&keywords=the+undeparted
*Follow her blog: http://deborahpalumbotheundeparted.blogspot.com
* Interview with Taryn Kincaid 10-22-2012
* Interview with Taryn Kincaid 10-22-2012
Thank you so much Taryn for taking the time to do this interview and giveaway! I'm so happy we have had this chance to work together. Let's get started....
Me: How did you come up with the book idea?
Taryn: I live and work not from the real Village of Sleepy Hollow, where LIGHTNING, my first 1Night Stand release for Decadent Publishing is set. Sleepy Hollow’s also the setting for THUNDER, my second 1Night Stand book, which will release Friday, October 26! So thrilling for me that the release dates are only one week apart. I’ve never had two books come out so close together before, also a bit nerve-wracking.
And, of course, my first erotic paranormal, SLEEPY HOLLOW DREAMS, which you were nice enough to review here, was also set in spooky old Sleepy Hollow, which is Halloween central at this time of year. Magical, mystical home of the Headless Horseman, you know.
But to actually answer the question: I’ve wanted to return to the Sleepy Hollow setting for a long time. Readers and editors have asked me to! I also wanted to try my hand at writing a 1Night Stand story. They are so much fun to write!
In Sleepy Hollow Dreams, the villainess is an evil succubus. The hero, Ryck Van Winkle, is a dream voyager, a cursed mortal who visits woman in erotic dreams, similarly to an incubus so…
I was playing around with the idea of succubi and incubi, and the idea of Lily Night, the heroine of Lightning, just popped into my head. She’s a sex-shy succubus, which is sort of a contradiction in terms. And she has good reason to be! She put the hero, Campbell Jones, into a coma on their prom night.
Me: I did LOVE Sleepy Hollow Dreams!! Was it hard to think of a name for the book?
Taryn: Nope! It could not have been anything else. Lily has, well, kind of a problem with lightning. The story dictated the title on this one!
Me: Easy enough! What inspires you to write?
Taryn: I’ve just always done it. You overhear random snippets of a conversation, or you see something as you go about your day-to-day life that may be just a little out of the ordinary, a little off kilter. And your inner different drummer takes up the beat and characters begin to emerge like a loud marching band that grabs your attention.
Me: Do you ever think about a character once their story is written?
Taryn: Oh, yes. They’re my people! You want to know how they’re doing, what’s become of them. And, as a writer, you’re always looking for the next book in a potential series.
Me: Who is your favorite character and why?
Taryn: Um, no. That would be like announcing you have a favorite child. But I will say that I generally fall in love with all my heroes!
Me: Fair enough! Haha. What do you like to do in your free time?
Taryn: I read, of course! And I’m a big fan of the NY Giants and NY Yankees.
Me: How long does it usually take you to write a book?
Taryn: Another one I can’t answer! Some seem to take years; others a few weeks. It depends on the length of the story, the ambition, the level of complexity, the inspiration, the free time. And, of course, how well the characters behave. Or misbehave, as the case may be!
*You can pick up your copy of Lightning here: http://www.amazon.com/Lightning-Night-Stand-Story-ebook/dp/B009SEKGNA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1350938758&sr=8-1&keywords=lightning+by+taryn+kincaid

*Interview with Tania Penn April 2013
1. How did The Morning Star come about?
1. How did The Morning Star come about?
Tania: "I had been toying with the idea of writing about Lucifer as a misunderstood and lovestruck being,
one who was a father as well. Initially, it was going to be a love story between him and Michaela,
then decided to throw in the whole "Romeo and Juliet" factor, and make it a love story between their
daughter, and the son of an Archangel, whom Michaela is in love with."
2. Where do you get your inspiration from?
Tania: "Either from dreams, or when my mind starts wandering off -- that can be a very dangerous thing! I
am constantly thinking, thinking, thinking, it never shuts off. Even when I am lying in bed, I am
coming up with scenarios and story ideas. In my previous life not to very long ago, I was the lead
singer and songwriter of my own band, The Wallbangers, and songwriting inspiration was
everywhere -- even from just one word to a commercial!"
3. How many books do you plan to write in this series?
Tania: "At the moment, I have plans for three. Currently working on book 2, Equinox. It took me a while to
figure out the skeletal structure, so to speak, in my mind of where I wanted to go next with the
characters. It was a bit of a challenge, so I really hope book 3 comes a bit easier to me!"
4. How long did it take to write The Morning Star?
Tania: "I started writing it in late 2012, and when a friend told me about UtopYA in Nashville this coming
June, I made it my goal to finish by then. But lo and behold, I finished before the end of 2012!
Overall, took me 4 months."
5. Was it difficult to pick a cover for the book?
Tania: "Not at all. I'm a sucker for simple black and red book covers -- just like a bottle of wine, my eye
gravitates to the black and red. Lucky for me, my husband is an artist and told him what I wanted.
His first concept, which took him all of ten minutes to do, was of a broken and bleeding cross, which
was awesome sauce to the fifth power, but it looked more vampiric then angelic. By mistake he
clicked something on photoshop to lighten the cross, and it washed out with the bright flash that you
see now. " Perfect! " I told him, leave that and add a little embellishments. Took him a total of fifteen
minutes to design that for me!"
I want to thank Tania for doing this interview and letting me be a part of this blog tour! :)
Thanks Shalyn! As always you're such a delight and full of enthusiasm! So glad we're friends!
ReplyDeleteNo problem! We make a great team and you know if you ever need anything, just let me know. Me too!! :)
ReplyDeleteThat's awesome. Thank you and vice versa!
ReplyDeleteWonderful interview ladies. I've read The Undeparted and found it an intriguing story with great characters. Deborah, we share that love of 70s music (my favorite guilty pleasure) old TV shows and quiet times. So lovely to see you interviewed here, learning more about you and your writing. I'm looking forward to reading more of your books. Best wishes for continued success!
ReplyDeleteThanks Mae. I appreciate your kind words and support! We do have much in common, including writing! I wish you much success! Glad to be in touch. Isn't Shalyn awesome!