~Interview with Deborah Palumbo 10-14-2012~
Me: I’m so excited to
have this opportunity to interview you! You’re an amazing writer and someone I
consider as a friend, thank you for taking time out of your day to do this!
Deborah: First let me say that I am THRILLED to be here with
you and your followers, Shalyn and appreciate your support and kindness. I'm
excited cos you know you're one of my favorite bloggers of all time! Okay, I'm
ready to rock!
Me: Awww, thank you!
That means a lot. Alright, let’s do this!!!
Me: How did you come up with the idea for The Undeparted?
Deborah: You know what? I actually remember when I began
writing The Undeparted. It was back in 2007; I'm not sure exactly how I came up
with the idea, sorry to say, but I remember being really excited, very psyched
to write it because my prior writing was mainly in the Historical genre and
mystery. I was propped up in bed and the story just flowed out of me. I knew
there would be a sequel! I'm not sure I realized there would be 4 books. I'm
finishing the 3rd one now and the 4th has already been conceived!
Me: Exciting! I love The Undeparted and can’t wait to read
the rest of the series. Do you find it hard to go back and forth from writing
different genres?
Deborah: I don't find it hard at all and in fact, I think I
must be a multiple personality LOL, cos it does take a certain frame of mind to
write in each of the genres I write in: Paranormal, Mystery, Historical. Having
said that tho, all of my stories are laced with mystery, so in that regard,
they aren't too dissimilar. When the Temperature Rises, my 1948 crime noir with
a vintage detective, was probably the most unusual one I've written, and I
shouldn't say this, but I love Detective Humphrey McAllister! So much in fact,
book 2 is coming out asap!
Me: You go girl! Writing in so many different genres opens
up your fan base a lot. I imagine it can
get a little difficult at times. You’re doing a great job though! What made you
decide to name the book The Undeparted?
Deborah: I recall thinking and pondering on the
name...sometimes names come instantly to me, even before the story is
completely conceived. This one came quick. I wanted something supernatural,
hopefully enticing, unusual, and since I was dealing with souls that wouldn't
depart, I thought of The Undeparted.
Me: The title fits very well and in my opinion, the cover is
eye catching as well. When you need to
clear your head and take a break from writing, what do you enjoy doing?
Deborah: Thinking about what I'm going to write next!!
LOL. Actually I live a very quiet life,
enjoy home and hearth. I love 70's music, old comedy TV shows like I love Lucy,
The Dick Van Dyke Show. Love spending time in my screened in gazebo with nature.
Please don't yawn!
Me: Sounds very
relaxing! Next question, what inspires
Deborah: Well, I will tell you that in regard to writing
novels, something as simple as ONE WORD or one sentence actually has inspired a
complete book! This happens all the time actually, and even in the midst of a
book, a word will inspire a page or a chapter. In fact, my 4th book in The
Undeparted series was inspired that way. I can't tell you more on that one
because I am getting ready to unleash the 3rd one in the series, called The Banished
One!! Ooh, I'm excited!
Me: Wow, that’s awesome. Inspiration is all around us! I’m excited for it as well!
Deborah: Thank you so much for these awesome questions! I
hope I've answered them satisfactorily and given everyone a glimpse into who I
am and into my books. I just think you're awesome!
Me: Your welcome and thank you! I appreciate you doing this
and so glad we got to work together again. This has been so much fun, keep in